If you receive a damaged, defective, or incorrect product, please return it to Shop N Skin Solutions, and we’ll arrange for a replacement, subject to the following conditions:

  • Check your order upon delivery: Please inspect the product in the presence of the delivery person.

  • Report defects immediately: If you find any defects, contact our Customer Service Department as soon as possible and include a photo of the issue.

  • Complaint validity: Complaints are valid for up to 5 days from the date of receiving the product.

  • Replacement/Refund process: After consulting with management, our Customer Service Department will either replace the product or process a refund within 10 working days.

  • Exclusions: Products that have been used, swatched, or are in liquid form are not eligible for exchange or refund.

  • Return policy restrictions: The return policy does not apply if the product’s seal is broken or if the product does not suit you.

  • Exceptional return cases: If a return is accepted under exceptional circumstances, the customer must cover the transportation cost.

  • Original invoice required: The original invoice must be returned with the product.

How to Return Your Product to The Shop & Skin Solutions:

  • Our Customer Service team will arrange for a free pick-up of the product from your address. If you are located outside Dhaka, please send your product via Sundarban Courier Service or SA Poribahan. If your return claim is approved, we will reimburse your courier charge.

For further assistance, please contact us at: